An Ally to All Parents and Parents To Be

The mission of Sarah DiVito Doula is to be an ally to all parents and parents to be.

While creating this mission statement, I intentionally chose the term “ally” for the meaning it carries both literally and socially. To be an ally is not to speak or advocate for but to stand with and create space for someone to advocate for themselves. As a doula, my mission is to stand with birthing people and parents and create spaces where people feel empowered and able to advocate for themselves.



The values of Sarah DiVito Doula represent the lens I see doula work through. A percentage of every fee collected by Sarah DiVito Doula is donated to local antiracist and LGBTQIA+ serving nonprofits every quarter.

I acknowledge that the land we live on in the Triangle belongs to the Eastern Band of Cherokee, Coharie, Haliwa-Saponi, Lumbee, Meherrin, Occaneechi Band of Saponi, Sappony, and Waccamaw Siouan tribes.

White supremacy and racism are built into the infrastructure of our nation and directly affect the systems within our society including medicine. This is represented by the disproportionate maternal death rates between white and black birthing people.

White supremacy and racism are also represented in doula work by the appropriation of sacred birth traditions and materials such as the Rebozo. I do not and will not work with a Rebozo or Rebozo techniques.

It is not only women that give birth but men, non-binary people, and many other identities that make up birthing people.

Trans rights are human rights.

Abortion is healthcare.

Black Lives Matter.